Narrative :
This project is carried out together with the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA). This eighteen-month project aims to analyze and predict the future position of the Portuguese shoreline and to analyze the cost-benefits of different coastal management scenarios.
Through expertise, numerical modeling, and economic analysis, our team will be able to provide the data and the answers that the APA needs to implement an effective coastal management plan.
Our touch :
Our assignment consists of carrying out, among others, the following activities:
Expert assessment: analysis of wave conditions, historical shoreline evolution, coastal structures characterization, long-shore sediment transport.
Numerical modelling: calibration of ShorelineS against topo-bathymetric surveys performed between 2018 and 2021
Economic analysis: cost-benefit analysis including benefits of coastal areas and costs of coastal structures
Shoreline management: definition of the optimal coastal management strategy among different scenarios – “Hold the line” / “Do nothing” / “Realign management” / “Beach nourishment”