Narrative :
The project is carried out in co-creation with our partner Nelen & Schuurmans for Flanders Environmental Agency (VMM).
The aim of this consultancy is to assist the VMM with the implementation of a Pilot project for the development of a flood forecasting system for the Demer Basin. The main objective of the assignation is guiding VMM in the implementation of a Flood Forecasting System based on conceptual models and using the Delft-FEWS framework. The scope of the assignment comprises 2 Tasks:
- Design of system architecture
- Technical assistance to VMM for the system implementation
Our touch:
- Systemic approach: a lean, smart, and sustainable system architecture for the final, operational flood forecasting system for the whole of Flanders was designed. The advantages and disadvantages of various options were mapped out, enabling the contracting authority to make an appropriate choice
- Strategy development: the future system was further assessed to identify the most optimal strategy to store simulation results (where and in which format).
- Digitisation: attention was given to propose methods for making measurements and predictions accessible online, and how the verification of the deterministic and probabilistic predictions can best be tackled in the future.
- Pioneering: As the name of the project suggests, this is the first time that this approach is developed and applied within Flanders.